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Friday Links

Power Line‘s been following the SEIU protest in a Bank of America executive’s front lawn. This link is part five of a series: A Thug Too Far. The semi-hidden subplots: SEIU want to the guy’s front lawn, which means the SEIU now considers it okay to intimidate an opponent’s family; and BofA holds a $120 million dollar loan to SEIU — which might make one think this all might go away if BofA forgives their loan. Which might be the reason for the protest in the first place.

In happier news, there are New Drugs for Macular Degeneration.

Also, it looks like we’ve dodged a lethal epidemic carried by the swine flu. Debora MacKenzie breaks down what our government did right and wrong in Swine flu hoax? Get real.

Over at Hot Air, Ed Morrisey summarizes a recent Harvard Business School study: Study finds increased gov’t spending results in unemployment.

Ending with doom-and-gloom: US money supply plunges at 1930s pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus.

Cash for Doctors

From the Weekly Standard comes a story of doctors freeing themselves from the “health insurance” trap. It’s informative for a couple of reasons, not the least of which are hard numbers on the cost of said insurance. For example:

The lab loves being paid on the spot for services rendered and allows Forrest to charge his patients $30, for example, for a prostate-cancer screening test that the company bills to an insurer at $184.

Blowback from Obamacare

Did you wonder why Henry Waxman called off that hearing about the charges that companies announced concerning Obamacare? Well, it turns out that he got all the documents he was looking for and more, and it turns out that:

Major corporations may dump health insurance, pay penalties instead

Another link from Hot Air: Medical device makers mull layoffs after ObamaCare

Over at CNN: Health care law’s massive, hidden tax change (via Instapundit and TaxProf)