Post-Christmas Linkpost
- How Superstars’ Pay Stifles Everyone Else. This is a fascinating article from the point of view of information presented. Its conclusions, however, fall flat. (This is a link to a NY Times article; they’ve gone behind a registration wall.)
- What makes the US health care system so expensive. A ten-part series (completed) that covers where the U.S. spends more than you’d expect on health care. If you pay attention, you can data that support my identification of the root causes: a demand for redundancy, and market distortions caused by government and insurance.
- Browns’ front office tells off a complaining fan in a 1974 letter.
- Newest supporter of marijuana legalization: Pat Robertson?
- Mars Movie: I’m Dreaming of a Blue Sunset. Spliced together from pictures taken by Opportunity.
- Counter-Terrorism: A Frustrating Shortage. Turns out that they’re short bomb builders, which is why intelligence agencies are so concerned about Mumbai II.
- British soldier took a shot to the head to save 10-year-old girl.
- What Do the ‘Holiday Terror Warning’ Targets Have in Common? “If you guessed that all of these are (a) places where large crowds gather, and (b) places where authorities have outlawed the otherwise legal carry of concealed weapons, you were right!”
- Census: Fast growth in states with no income tax.
- Public Education’s Silver Bullet. Terry Moe seems to think that the technology is available for a labor-reducing revolution in education.
Linkpost, 10/29/10 to 11/3/10
- Fermilab is Building a ‘Holometer’ to Determine Once and For All Whether Reality Is Just an Illusion.
- A cure for the common cold may finally be achieved as a result of a remarkable discovery in a Cambridge laboratory. For those of you who don’t pay attention to the source, that’s Cambridge, England.
- Rushdie on Jon Stewart. A bit of old news, sure, but just more confirmation that Stewart is a tool.
- The Economic Misconceptions of College Students. Joe Carter rightly points out that college students probably shouldn’t be singled out. Click the link and see if you fare better. (I did OK on 3 of the 4. The increase in median salary surprised me.)
- Breakthrough: Microchip Implant Restores Partial Sight.
And I’m caught up! It only took a cold-induced bout of insomnia to do it.
Linkpost, 11/5/10
- World celebs. In case you missed it, a Canadian couple donated an $11 million lottery jackpot to various charities.
- Americans Less Healthy Than English, but Live as Long or Longer, Study Finds.
- Deep Impact: The Website. I linked to this one just so I could quote it:
I am a proponent of the Strong Gaia hypothesis. The Gaia hypothesis views the Earth as a single organism that regulates conditions to sustain life on the planet. The Strong Gaia hypothesis accepts this notion, but further hypothesizes that Gaia finally got so pissed off at being whacked by roving asteroids that She evolved big brained primates as an immune system to fend off asteroids using nuclear bombs.
Labor Day Science Links
While I’m doing the eight-hour brisket barbecue …
- Hot Water Around Giant Carbon Star Creates Interstellar Mystery
- Think of this as a psychology link: Israel Identifies The Perfect Terrorist
- Novel nanotechnology collaboration leads to breakthrough in cancer research
- Is Believing In God Evolutionarily Advantageous?
- The Frozen Zoo aiming to bring endangered species back from the brink
- The Great Teaching Blind Spot
- Obama could kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thorium
- Chinese General Declares Democracy The Ultimate Weapon
- Gas-and-Brake Pedal Gets New Look After Recalls
- Triceratops ‘never really existed but was just a young version of another dinosaur’
- Donated Computer Time Discovers New Star
- Sharing of Data Leads to Progress on Alzheimer’s
- In a Video Game, Tackling the Complexities of Protein Folding
- Men in a sexually competitive environment die sooner
- Earth’s Inner Core Might Be on the Move
Linkpost: 8/3/2010
- ISS Crew Captures Beautiful Image of Green Aurora Over the Indian Ocean
- Giant Magma Blobs Ripple Earth’s Surface
- Cosmic Noise Could Improve Space Weather Forecasts
- Adult Stem Cell Research Leaving Embryos Behind
- 1962 glass could be Corning’s next bonanza seller
- What Social Science Does—and Doesn’t—Know